L2TP/IPsecサーバの構築 (2/3) ビルド編

SoftEther VPN のサーバーを導入してiPadやAndroidから接続できるようにします。



SoftEther VPNのインストール

公式のダウンロードページ から必要なものをダウンロードします。今回の目的と環境に適合するのは...

  • ダウンロードするソフトウェア: SoftEther VPN(Freeware)
  • コンポーネント: SoftEther VPN Server
  • プラットフォーム: Linux
  • CPU: Intel x64 / AMD64 (64bit)

ダウンロード可能なファイルがたくさん表示されますが、最新のRTM版を使用することにします。今回は SoftEther VPN Server (Ver 4.34, Build 9745, rtm)でした。


$ zcat softether-vpnserver-v4.34-9745-rtm-2020.04.05-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz | tar xf -

ファイルは vpnserver ディレクトリに展開されるので、その中に入ってビルドします。

$ cd vpnserver/
$ make

make するとビルドが始まりますが最初に次の3つの質問がされます。

  1. License Agreementを読みますか?
  2. License Agreementを読んで理解しましたか?
  3. License Agreementに同意しますか?



make[1]: Entering directory '/home/yuzu/vpnserver'
Preparing SoftEther VPN Server...
ranlib lib/libcharset.a
ranlib lib/libcrypto.a
ranlib lib/libedit.a
ranlib lib/libiconv.a
ranlib lib/libintelaes.a
ranlib lib/libncurses.a
ranlib lib/libssl.a
ranlib lib/libz.a
ranlib code/vpnserver.a
gcc code/vpnserver.a -fPIE -O2 -fsigned-char -pthread -m64 -lm -lrt -lpthread -L./ lib/libssl.a lib/libcrypto.a lib/libiconv.a lib/libcharset.a lib/libedit.a lib/libncurses.a lib/libz.a lib/libintelaes.a -ldl -o vpnserver
ranlib code/vpncmd.a
gcc code/vpncmd.a -fPIE -O2 -fsigned-char -pthread -m64 -lm -lrt -lpthread -L./ lib/libssl.a lib/libcrypto.a lib/libiconv.a lib/libcharset.a lib/libedit.a lib/libncurses.a lib/libz.a lib/libintelaes.a -ldl -o vpncmd
./vpncmd /tool /cmd:Check
vpncmd command - SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility
SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility (vpncmd command)
Version 4.34 Build 9745   (English)
Compiled 2020/04/05 23:39:56 by buildsan at crosswin
Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project. All Rights Reserved.

VPN Tools has been launched. By inputting HELP, you can view a list of the commands that can be used.

VPN Tools>Check
Check command - Check whether SoftEther VPN Operation is Possible
SoftEther VPN Operation Environment Check Tool

Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project.
All Rights Reserved.

If this operation environment check tool is run on a system and that system passes, it is most likely that SoftEther VPN software can operate on that system. This check may take a while. Please wait...

Checking 'Kernel System'... 
Checking 'Memory Operation System'... 
Checking 'ANSI / Unicode string processing system'... 
Checking 'File system'... 
Checking 'Thread processing system'... 
Checking 'Network system'... 

All checks passed. It is most likely that SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge can operate normally on this system.

The command completed successfully.

The preparation of SoftEther VPN Server is completed !

*** How to switch the display language of the SoftEther VPN Server Service ***
SoftEther VPN Server supports the following languages:
  - Japanese
  - English
  - Simplified Chinese

You can choose your prefered language of SoftEther VPN Server at any time.
To switch the current language, open and edit the 'lang.config' file.

Note: the administrative password is not set on the VPN Server. Please set your own administrative password as soon as possible by vpncmd or the GUI manager.

*** How to start the SoftEther VPN Server Service ***

Please execute './vpnserver start' to run the SoftEther VPN Server Background Service.
And please execute './vpncmd' to run the SoftEther VPN Command-Line Utility to configure SoftEther VPN Server.

Of course, you can use the VPN Server Manager GUI Application for Windows / Mac OS X on the other Windows / Mac OS X computers in order to configure the SoftEther VPN Server remotely.

*** For Windows users ***
You can download the SoftEther VPN Server Manager for Windows
from the http://www.softether-download.com/ web site.
This manager application helps you to completely and easily manage the VPN server services running in remote hosts.

*** For Mac OS X users ***
In April 2016 we released the SoftEther VPN Server Manager for Mac OS X.
You can download it from the http://www.softether-download.com/ web site.
VPN Server Manager for Mac OS X works perfectly as same as the traditional Windows versions. It helps you to completely and easily manage the VPN server services running in remote hosts.

*** PacketiX VPN Server HTML5 Web Administration Console (NEW) ***
This VPN Server / Bridge has the built-in HTML5 Web Administration Console.

After you start the server daemon, you can open the HTML5 Web Administration Console is available at

This HTML5 page is obviously under construction, and your HTML5 development contribution is very appreciated.


make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/yuzu/vpnserver'

ビルドが完了したらインストール先へのコピーとパーミッションの設定をしましょう。今回は /opt/vpnserver/ にインストールします。

$ cd ..
$ sudo mv vpnserver/ /opt
$ cd /opt
$ sudo chown -R root /opt/vpnserver/
$ sudo chmod 600 /opt/vpnserver/*
$ sudo chmod 700 /opt/vpnserver/vpncmd
$ sudo chmod 700 /opt/vpnserver/vpnserver

参考: Linux へのインストールと初期設定 - SoftEther VPN プロジェクト

SoftEther VPNの自動起動設定

SoftEther VPNの公式サイトには init の起動スクリプトがありますが、Ubuntu 20.04 LTS には systemd スクリプトが必要です。


SoftEther VPN Serverをsystemd対応にする - Qiitaを参考にしました。

今回の環境用に編集した結果 /etc/systemd/system/softether-vpn.service はこうなりました。

Description=Softether VPN Server Service

ExecStart=/opt/vpnserver/vpnserver start
ExecStop=/opt/vpnserver/vpnserver stop
ExecStartPre=/sbin/ip link set dev ens10 promisc on



  • インストール先を /opt/vpnserver に変更
  • ローカルブリッジ用インターフェイス名を ens10 に変更

それでは vpnserver を設定するために起動しておきましょう。

$ sudo systemctl start softether-vpn
$ sudo systemctl status softether-vpn
 softether-vpn.service - Softether VPN Server Service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/softether-vpn.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-10-10 10:10:10 UTC; 10s ago
    Process: 2175 ExecStartPre=/sbin/ip link set dev ens10 promisc on (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 2186 ExecStart=/opt/vpnserver/vpnserver start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 2191 (vpnserver)
      Tasks: 33 (limit: 629145)
     Memory: 16.2M
     CGroup: /system.slice/softether-vpn.service
             ├─2191 /opt/vpnserver/vpnserver execsvc
             └─2192 /opt/vpnserver/vpnserver execsvc

active (running)とあるので正常に起動できているようです。

ens10 がプロミスキャスモードになっていることも確認しておきましょう。

$ ip link show ens10
3: ens10: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:f2:7e:d7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

応答内容に PROMISC があるので大丈夫なようです。

[つづく] →SoftEtherでL2TP IPSecのVPNサーバを構築 その3