DragonFly BSD 3.6でpkg upgradeしたら、pkgコマンド自体がアップデートされました。
# pkg upgrade
Updating repository catalogue
digests.txz 100% 983KB 327.8KB/s 723.4KB/s 00:03
New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first.
After this upgrade it is recommended that you do a full upgrade using: 'pkg upgrade'
Upgrades have been requested for the following 1 packages:
Upgrading pkg: 1.1.4_8 -> 1.2.4_1
The upgrade will require 2 MB more space
2 MB to be downloaded
Proceed with upgrading packages [y/N]: y
pkg-1.2.4_1.txz 100% 1902KB 475.4KB/s 971.7KB/s 00:04
Checking integrity... done
[1/1] Upgrading pkg from 1.1.4_8 to 1.2.4_1... done
# pkg search bash
pkg: PACKAGESITE in pkg.conf is deprecated. Please create a repository configuration file
pkg: re-creating repo to upgrade schema version from 2005 to 2006
# pkg upgrade
pkg: Your pkg.conf file is in deprecated format you should convert it to the following format:
====== BEGIN pkg.conf ======
"PACKAGESITE": "http://mirror-master.dragonflybsd.org/dports/${ABI}/LATEST"
====== END pkg.conf ======
pkg: PACKAGESITE in pkg.conf is deprecated. Please create a repository configuration file
Updating repository catalogue
pkg: Warning: use of http:// URL scheme with SRV records is deprecated: switch to pkg+http://
digests.txz 100% 982KB 245.4KB/s 751.8KB/s 00:04
pkg: Warning: use of http:// URL scheme with SRV records is deprecated: switch to pkg+http://
# cd /usr/local/etc
# ls pkg.conf*
pkg.conf pkg.conf.sample
# mv pkg.conf pkg.conf.bak
# cp pkg.conf.sample pkg.conf
# cd /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/
# ls
df-latest.conf.sample df-releases.conf.sample
# cp df-releases.conf.sample df-releases.conf
さらに、df-releases.confを修正します。df-releases.confの最初の方にある、 Avalon-Releaseブロック内の、enabled: noをenabled: yesに変更します。
次のようになります。このファイルはread onlyなので、編集する前に変更するなどしてください。
Avalon-Release: {
url : http://mirror-master.dragonflybsd.org/dports/${ABI}/RELEASE,
mirror_type : NONE,
signature_type : NONE,
pubkey : NONE,
fingerprints : /usr/share/fingerprints,
enabled : yes
# pkg update
Updating repository catalogue
digests.txz 100% 913KB 304.3KB/s 462.9KB/s 00:03
packagesite.txz 100% 4889KB 611.1KB/s 1.7MB/s 00:08
Incremental update completed, 20646 packages processed:
0 packages updated, 0 removed and 20646 added.
# pkg install bash
Updating repository catalogue
The following 1 packages will be installed:
Installing bash: 4.2.45 [Avalon-Release]
The installation will require 4 MB more space
863 KB to be downloaded
Proceed with installing packages [y/N]: y
bash-4.2.45.txz 100% 863KB 215.6KB/s 302.6KB/s 00:04
Checking integrity... done
[1/1] Installing bash-4.2.45... done
# uname -v
DragonFly v3.6.0-RELEASE #8: Fri Nov 22 13:22:00 PST 2013 root@pkgbox64.dragonflybsd.org:/usr/obj/build/home/justin/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC